Bassist and Producer
Video Shoot is a wrap! 
Monday, November 21, 2011, 01:08 PM
Posted by Administrator

Wow, a long Saturday spent on shooting for the first Beatrix Players video.


A massive thank you goes out to Adriana and Matt of Versus Design and Animation for their amazing work over the past weeks getting everything organised the amazing skill set they have brough together to get the shoot done.

Caro, thanks to you first of all for having the idea of doing this project and getting us involved. Without you this wouldn't have happened!

Jorge, thank you for all your enthusiasm, hard work, and total commitment to the project. We're lucky to have had the chance to work with someone as talented as you.

Natalie, thank you for all your hard work and creating those amazing looks, sourcing Liria's accessories and some fantastic props and even taking some time off work to have everything ready for the shoot.

Belén, thank you for your time sewing and helping out at the shoot. You're sewing skills and good sense of humour were life savers!

Sonia, thank you so much for getting on board at such a short notice and giving your all. We were totally impressed with your knowledge and skills and hope to get the chance to work with you again!

Camila, thank you for giving up your Saturday to come and help us out. The girls looked gorgeous and the boys quite dashing.

Adrianna, thank you for the amazing hair do's you created and for being willing to seeing the girls before the shoot as well. Sorry we didn't get the chance to thank you personally yesterday.

Thank you for all your hard work and dedication!

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